God & I are mutually untaming!
We are cosmically married, this all gendered god and unpreferred gendered me. We wrote up a contract that declared a mutual taming and untaming. We put it in writing in all spoken and unspoken languages of the world. We got all the illegal stamps and legal certificates from every civil authority. We have been inviting all species to the city hall of evolution to witness our confining and expansive vows regularly retaken.
We decided mutually that we would spend lifetimes in a reverse narcissistic relationship with abusive compassionate obsession. God will never stop taming my humanness and I, in turn, will relentlessly tame its divinity. And we both also pledged to untame each other's wildness and get off on the glorious and unique effects on each other. We thus have agreed to fixing one another doggedly, loving manipulatively, liberating deceptively.
Despite the tough love, the polyamorous adultery, the co-dependency, the disorganized attachment style, nonexistent boundaries, and toxic consent practices - this relationship between God and I - is the fucking healthiest relationship I have ever had.
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash