I support social entrepeneurs to embody Regenerative Innovation through an immersive learning experience - The Fireweed Expedition (TFE). Think SXSW meets a family wedding meets a mayan healing ritual! There is nothing like it!

  • TFE combines healing with social innovation, love with purpose. It brings cyclical experiences of ‘being’ and ‘doing’ through poetry, conversation and low and high tech design sprints. 

  • TFE breaks through the overculture’s illusion of hyper-individualism by being designed not only for changemakers but also their trust based relationships. 

  • Relational fields together experience mindset shifts from isolation to safety-in-connection, agenda driven networking to trust-in-collaboration. Artificial silos of personal and professional shift to intergenerational and cross sector symbiosis. 

  • These perceptual shifts within micro-networks restore the flow of support, inspiration, imagination i.e. regeneration. Such regeneration is the awe-inspiring organic potential of our bio-design.

If you’d like to be notified of the next in person or online Fireweed Expedition, please sign up below!