How to make love to loneliness?
Without a lover, to pour all this love bubbling inside me,
I wonder, is there another heart somewhere pale from its
emptiness as mine is sore from such surplus?
Is int it curious how a full open heart and a starved
closed one both feel a stark abandon?
How paucity and unshared abundance
both lead to the same loneliness.
How there is such a deep pain in not receiving
as much in not being able to give uninhibited.
Surely it is not possible that the Cosmic Heart’s
accounting can be so hurtful and wasteful!
Maybe the heart must not be a single container,
but a node in a web of all human vessels!
Then this loneliness is not just mine,
but the shared pulse of many veins
and all this love I keep making for a future lover,
the sustenance of many unknown nodes in this second.
Is this stark loneliness then
not a mark of interconnectedness?
A wink from mystery of how making love
has got nothing to do with sex!
I giggle loudly, lover or not don't matter!
By making love in such abundance
for this mystical web of beating vessels,
I am making love to all loneliness!
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash