Reciprocity, Abundance & Equity

If you have come here, we have started a conversation around money in our relationship. This is a loaded conversation and brings up a lot - personal, political, systemic, ancestral energy becomes present and activated through our DNA (ancestral and personal memory).


Notice if you can identify where in your body you sense it. It is okay if you don’t know yet.


Don’t try to change it, remove it. Just notice and be with it - the place it is or the not knowing. Be available to whatever it might be without needing it to be any different than it is.

Types of Wealth:

1) Spiritual/Kindness Wealth - The wealth that one accumulates as wisdom through spiritual/religious practices. One is rich in this only when others reflect the value they got from you helped them align to a deeper truth. You have this only if you see ALL wealth as a gift from the abundance of life and offer your intuitive knowings without wanting anything in return. You are contributive in your fundamental nature.

2) Network/Opportunity Wealth - The wealth of having connections and the ability to channel opportunity to another by way of naming someone in room of decision makers.

3) Financial Wealth - The wealth of not having to worry about your basic needs, having financial freedom, meaning your household can run without you needing to exchange your time for money. It could be a trust fund or some others passive income that you received through ancestors or had the privilege to create yourself.

4) Support/Back Ups Wealth - The wealth of having fall back options, if the economy crumbled, you lost your home, or everything in a fire, war etc - the number of relationships like family, cousins, relatives, friends you could rely on without discomfort or question.

5) Intellectual Wealth - The wealth of having deeply studied equity, culture, systems and holding a deep stance for transformation through sharing synthesized snippets to others conversationally.

6) Ability/Health Wealth - You are able bodied, do not have any diseases, divergences, disorders as reflected in that makes you do not spend more than 2 hours a day on staying able to do things physically and mentally. You have not recently (last year) been impacted by big ‘T’ traumatic events (war, being fired for speaking truth to power, abuse, street violence, rape, physical assault, socially shamed for being vulnerable/authentic (as opposed to being held accountable for mistreating others).