The Process of Poetry
Laguna Chaxa, Atacama Dessert, Chile
running into a realm
as dry as the driest desert
sweltering, unforgiving
they scorch me
baked barren
I stumble for words
leaning on them
phrases, clutches
I swallow
a speck of salt hoping saved
not lost by the thirst
of my primitive gait
flowing into a realm
as deep as the oceanbed
towering waves, powering roar
they drench me
engulfed gorged
I swim in words
paddling with them
phrases, rafts
I float
a droplet hoping saved
not dried, mundaned
by my feverish strokes
feeling into a realm
like hued mammoth mountains
majestic, unfathomable
they quiet me
humbled, tamed
I look for words
grasping them
phrases, prayers
I breathe
a few rhythms hoping saved
not unfelt, abandoned
by my weak heartbeat
by mansikakkar
Thumbnail Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash