Tea with Troubles

They show up
as I zoom about my day
moistening my eyes
weighing my heart
hurting my head, 
‘off you go’ I tell them
curtly, and continue 
zooming about my way.

Then one day I 
was feeling empty, 
the good kind and no
troubles could be seen
wandering about and 
I missed them. 
I called them by
name one by one
as I poured us  
hot Darjeeling tea
in unmatching cups.
we all just sat 
in my treehouse
not resisting each 
other for once.

Now they still come
once in a while,
but instead of 
fighting each other 
we just kick it and 
have tea-like 
reunited old friends.

Photo by Alisher Sharip on Unsplash

Photo by Alisher Sharip on Unsplash