Definitions of Ego

Here I am going to share every definition of ego I have written from different vantage points to help us understand this word.

Ego: Acting from (selfish) motive as opposed to heartfelt inspiration of the moment.

Ego vs Interdependence:

I made this decision - Ego
I discovered this decision by participating in my life’s tracks and all life’s participation in mine. - Interdependence

Ego and Mind:
Ego is the assumption that your thoughts are private. The mind is not a personal computer, but the node of interconnected fiber cables between ALL minds, including non sapien species on earth.

Another example: That the experience of peace is private. “I am protecting my peace”. Whenever we merit our own experience as higher value than the mutual experience, we are in delusion and ego. We are actually in avoidance and not choosing peace. Peace is impossible for one sapien as long as there is the lack of it for any other relating to them.

From the interwebs:

Kâli Sapien