Dictionary of a Goddess

In alphabetical order

Attachment: is the unavoidable umbilical cord between being embodied and ethereal. Temporal and Timeless.

Beauty: Is experienced by an observer when a species expresses its instrinsic essence from balanced being and doing. The essence of a Bird is flight, when starlings murmurate their being and doing is harmonised in a way that both requires and supersedes the individual expression of flight in one bird. Extraordinary Beauty is the outcome of two sapiens expressing themselves so truthfully that their co-creation is awe-inspiring. Beauty is always the outcome of extraordinary mutuality.

Belonging is the relational experience, the felt perception of trust flowing back and forth between two or more beings. The conscious choice to receive and give between two or more beings.

Bitch: A person who knows that gender, sex, sexual preferences, and other identity markers are constructs of the mind and therefore lifts everyone upholding their humanity at the center.

Dance: The back and forth of my masculine and feminine principles as they tesselate their essence inside me to create in this world in alignment with evolution.

Earth: The earth is a matrix of instinctual relationships in all directions between the elements and species of plants, animals, and bacteria. And ecosystem therefore is a micro-matrix where relationships are more closely woven and the instincts are more specialized.

Freedom: The felt sense of acceptance/respect from those we have shared experiences with i.e. have or are relating with. A feeling of having nothing to hide to be accepted.

Gaia: The collective soul of all beings whose most intelligent, playful, biological co-creating we call evolution.

Love: Love is electromagnetism. It is not an emotion. It is fact. It is truth.

Overculture: Every changemaker is in essence solving symptoms of one root problem. That root problem is best called ‘overculture’ (coined by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and used extensively by Bell Hooks) - a legacy of oppressive worldviews have created an enduring force that affects our current mindsets, behaviours and nervous systems individually and collectively. This social force is akin to a wildfire, an invisible but instigating wildfire of all visible fires i.e. the many hydra-like problems within structures and systems created by historic decisions of forgetting (disconnection from life). Examples of overculture’s symptoms which we call problems are capitalism, racism, patriarchy, collective trauma, poverty, climate change et all.

Praying: A conversation between my soul and the collective soul, Gaia aka God, Goddess, Divine etc.

Relationship: The continuous collaborative discernment between sovereignty, compassion, and interdependence.

Selfishness: Is choosing the needs of self when the moment calls for interdependence and/or compassion. It is not a personality trait, but an inability to discern when the moment is calling one into consideration of other. The root of all inequity is selfishness that showed up at crucial moments of social creation and innovation.

Surrender: Is letting go without giving up.

Update: In January 2023, I am learning the above definition of Surrender though still true also hides resignation dressed up as control. “One is a true letting go, the other is believing I am powerless.” source. Here is another quote from Andrea - ‘There is nothing to do, not because I am powerless, but because there is nothing to do.”

letting go of what I want, without giving up on what is would be the more nuanced definition.

also From Londin Angel Winters “surrender is trusting without understanding. Living beyond needing to know, needing to be safe, needing to constantly be in control.” “Surrender is feeling feelings you cannot understand what it is about”

Self-Mastery: Mastering the use of the strengths and weaknesses, the power and pain of my instruments of body, mind, heart, soul in service of my widest Self - Gaia.

Wholeness: Wholeness is majestic. The feeling of love is a complete experience. The object of love, mirrors, reflects back this essence within us. We are love. And when we feel our essence, feel ourselves, we feel our wholeness, our impressive beauty and scale. It is fascinating because this feeling of love is related to external people (my Shiva), ideas (Divine Mother) etc. But the feeling of love as I experienced in my body is complete in itself. Perhaps this is what the essence of love is. Our wholeness therefore is also paradoxically deeply interdependent and relational. We are implicated beautifully in a deep grid of mirrors to help us see our own essence of love. (More here)

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
