I am a goddess.
even though
my birth at first was a burden
my life insignificant
my gender the second preference
and even though my keepers,
clouded by their wounds
could not celebrate my existence
or even see my brilliance
and through that, I learned
that I did not matter
nor deserved love.
even though my love and loving
was impregnated far before
I could even speak
with the deepest desire
to long and lust for worth in
the feeble and faulty attempts
of others, all lovers.
and even though this deep desire
has kept me in chains
holding my value hostage
to other hearts
keeping my beauty ransom
to other eyes
searching my luminance
in other lights
I deeply and completely accept myself.
From this accepting
I am re-birthing
breaking the chains
I am,
not just significant
but called upon by the time
on the clock of the world
summoned to serve
beckoned to lead
I matter. Because. I am.
From my first breath
inside my keeper
nay, from my conception
in the eternal mind
of the Creator.
I deeply and completely accept my relevance!
I declare today to the cosmos
my words filled with a primal fervor
witnessed by air, earth, fire, water
resounding wildly in the ether
wise beings, guardian angels,
all animals, flora in attendance
“It is I, It is I
holding the brush of Creation
I have painted all the
loud definitive strokes
on my canvas Gaia
sky, mountains, valleys, oceans
all splashed with my pertinence
I am not only worthy of love,
I am destined for celebration,
nay veneration! I am a goddess!
To everything, all and I,
bowing, this I humbly declare.”
I deeply and completely accept my reverence!
With reverence, I bow to and refer the line ‘the time on the clock of the world’ from the beautiful and late elder Grace Lee Boggs’ who came into my mindscape through another elder Margaret Wheatley.
Thumbnail Photo by Maniraj Madishetty on Unsplash