Knowing and Unknowing
and unknowing
are both my offspring
whom I am learning to
love for their unique
gifts, recognizing who to
sit with, when.
each asking of
me very different things
and bringing to be
varied abundance.
Leaning into knowing
is simple, instinctive
so easy to parent, for
I have to only wipe off
the film of conditioning
and fade all other voices.
Learning from unknowing
is a tougher job
a re-parenting,
stretching my motherhood
expanding my nurturing
for this child is unruly,
hurtful in the beginning
but as it grows with me
we learn to be patient
with one another,
and give each other
a sacred love,
that unveils the secret of
space between us three
that can feed us full
and fill the world
with our mysterious magic.
Photo by Finding Dan | Dan Grinwis on Unsplash