How to love a Goddess?

The following are the ways I feel loved deeper than the ocean.

  1. Show up in your God. That is - hold a taboo level of approval to everything that you see in your woman. Every contraction, every mistrust. Everything you disapprove of in her is external distortion, distortions that lie in front of your true seer (your shiva/jesus nature, in other words - loving/approving pure awareness) and her true feeler (her shakti/mary magdelene nature, in other words - sensation with breath without thought/narrative), every judgement is a knot of cultural conditioning waiting for the God in you to annihilate. Free yourself and her from them. Because your woman is everything. She is connected to all things, hearts, wombs. She literally feels everything there is to feel in creation. Her connectedness is her sacredness. Her gift to your soul. Do not judge her essence because of your own ego’s conditioning.

  2. Lead benevolently. Embody service leadership. Compassionate leadership. Lead with rather than over. Control is not leading. Control is abusing. It does not inspire surrender and trust. On the contrary, control defiles the spirit of the sacred feminine!

  3. Clean up when you make a mess or mistake. Humility & courage win you mega points.

  4. Hold your union with your woman as the most essential purpose of your existence. Learn and recognize the healing implication, the fractal potency of your relational field to everything else in your life including your blood relatives, your business, purpose, work, children, the future of sapiens.

  5. Remember - In venerating a Goddess, you heal your own masculinity. You liberate your own spirit. You become more of your own deepest, truest, most badassical self. But you cannot bullshit veneration, as much as a woman cannot fake an orgasm in front of a real man. It has to be deep, authentic truth of your life that a woman evokes your deepest reverence. If her expressions of her Truth don’t make your eyes weep with gratitude and reverence, don’t even think about touching her!

  6. Truth builds trust. It does not matter how painful the truth, don’t try to ‘protect’ me or my feelings by watering down the truth. Truth is love. Truth-telling is loving, not compassionate/loving gestures for the the ego. We do not love from our ego’s, we love from a place deeper, and that place is only nourished by the truth. Hurt me with the truth, rather than not.

    And incase anyone reading this needs a primer on who a goddess is?

    A goddess, is a woman who has emancipated Her being and body from the clutches of generations of defilement. A real woman, who knows, feels and embodies her connection to the divine unashamedly, unapologetically, imperfectly. A Goddess who knows the power of her womb and that is the centre of her orientation and reference to her life and all she does. She knows her deepest desires serves all those who love her. Her desires up-level the system she moves in, interpersonally and therefore collectively. Her purest desires are her prayers to the divine. Her devotion to them an act of service, healing and transformation.