To Kali



To Kali, 

Ma, today I feel your deep pain. Your grief. 

In a world devoid of valiant hearts,

Your love’s pristineness is labelled as fierce

When its benevolence is experienced 

by unconscious Gods. 

Ma, today, I feel your burning rage. 

In a world where pretence and fears shape choice

Your truth’s transformative power is blamed

And your immaculate presence banished.

Ma, today a river of tears

is gushing through me

from the countless times 

your liberation giving heart

has been attacked,

blamed, deceived

misunderstood, murdered

and thrown out.

Live in my heart Ma, 

While it is in shambles, 

with rips within rips within rips

just like yours perhaps,

I have stitched it with the

gold thread of 

unconditional trust in you.

In worship of your beauty

may my heart be your altar. 

every expression of my heart’s truth

flowing through my open body

be a flower at your womb.

Through shared breath

and heartbeat

we stay alive

I in you, You in me.

Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash